Picasa is a great tool for organising photos, and this "Collage" option is pretty good too. As soon as they allow you to move each photo around within the collage, it'll be perfect.
We went to the supermarket at 10.30 last night - there seemed to be a lot of invisible children in there, given the number of cars parked in the Parent & Child spaces. Actually, there were more toddlers around than I expected - Lara doesn't know what time it is (we've not bought her a watch yet) but it must have been way past these kid's bedtime. Now I sound like a judgemental parent, oops!
Anyway, we did get a Parent & Child space, and we got the carseat fixed on to the right flavour of trolley, and it was all quite civilised in Asda at that time.
The trouble is that we only got home at midnight, and by the time I'd put the shopping away and Olga had fed Lara, who was a calmer in the supermarket than she was at home, it was well after 1am before we could try to get some sleep. Between Lara's grumbling and Olga possibly coming down with a mixture of overtiredness and a cold, it was the most disturbed night we'd had so far.
I went back to work this morning, but not before I'd stuck photos of Lara up around the house to surprise Olga and put a smile on her face. By 9.30 she'd found the two in the bathroom (I was particularly pleased with the one stuck to the underside of the toilet seat lid) and as I write now, before I go home again, I presume she's found the 6 others (one on the cans of Guiness in the fridge, another on the back of the cupboard door under the sink, and so on).
An experiment with Skype and a webcam worked last night, as Grandma and Grandpa were able to cooo over Lara; hopefully by the New Year we'll be able to get a video-conference going between Wycombe, Radcliffe and Bristol for family gatherings!
Another minor miracle happened yesterday too - a mere 9 months (or more!) after we inherited a wardrobe from a colleague at work, I was able to put it together in the right place. It's been in 6 pieces in various sheds and rooms since we brought it home, and has been taunting me everytime I've stubbed a toe on it or had to move it from one room to another to get at whatever it was leaning against.
OK, off for a haircut then home to the girls. Olga better not have done the washing up, ironing, or hoovering, she's under strict orders that the most energetic thing she had to do this morning was channel surf during the adverts in Jeremy Kyle's programme (I love that!).
On second thoughts, I'll let her off if she's done one of those three...