Thursday, 13 March 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday, Danil!

Everyone got up early today so Danny could open his presents from Grandma and Aunty Catherine, Uncle Nick, William & Elizabeth before he went to nursery, with Catherine then Grandma attending the grand opening by skype - the wonders of modern technology.
Then it was business as usual for the rest of the day, Lara off to school, then skating practise, before picking Dan up from nursery, where the kids had made him a huge birthday card, decorated with their handprints.
Olga had prepared the house for a party, and the kids played pin the tail on the donkey - Dan was allowed to play without a blindfold - before Dan opened his other presents, then it was time for tea, followed by the cake that Olga and Lara made for him. He definitely has his Grandpa's sweet tooth!

Thanks everyone for making the effort to send cards and presents all the way here, Dan loved opening them and playing with them (and so did Lara!!)