Wednesday, 9 March 2011

2 weeks? Already?!

Wow, time has just flown by. 2 weeks since our last post, sorry about that. It's a reflection of busy days for Olga and I, and the fact that nothing really spectacular has been happening at home.
Let's sum it up quickly:
Olga's trip to Kazakhstan has been postponed until April. We're both really enjoying the new jobs, it's interesting to be learning new stuff, and I've found that I'm not quite as thick as I thought I'd become - I'd had it easy at my old job, I knew it all inside out and rarely had to engage my brain; I was worried I'd forgotten how to use it, but these past two weeks have reminded me that I can learn new things and also contribute ideas based on 12 years of experience.
Working from home is going really well. We've got the morning routine sorted, so that Lara is usually at nursery before 8am, and Olga and I are at our desks before 8.15. There have been a couple of times when the weather has been lovely and springlike in the afternoon, so one or both of us have walked with the dogs to the nursery to collect Lara. It's nearly 4 miles there and back, and takes just over an hour, but the dogs like the walk, and it's been nice after being sat at a desk for much for the day (although we can sneak down to put a load of washing in, or let the cooker repair man in). We usually let the dogs come up and join us for an hour or two in the afternoons to give them a change of scenery - so far the phone hasn't rung (or should I say the laptops haven't rung - we work on skype a lot) so we've not had to chuck them out in a hurry.
It's also meant there's been no problem for Olga and I to go to the gym when it suits us, and to take Lara to gymnastics on Tuesday afternoons. She really looks forward to going; last week she was very confident on the rings, but this week she bottled out of them, telling me later she was scared:

We need to help her with her forward rolls too, she just can't get the hang of them!

That's about it. Off now to carry on watching Season 7 of 24, we need to finish it before Olga goes to Kazakhstan, normally it takes us 3 weeks. We're on hour number 6 next...