OK, maybe I've built it up a bit much there, it's not the Ritz, but we were impressed by the maternity unit when we had a tour on Sunday evening. There are eight delivery rooms, each with en-suite bathroom (all except the specific Waterbirth Pool Room have Patientline too), and assuming there's a room free when we arrive, we can stay in that room the whole time, it's pretty big, and you can move all the furniture around and play with the lighting to make it feel less like a hospital room.
It was reassuring to see how the room looks, and what the post-natal ward looks like.
All that spurred us on last night into really starting to think about packing "The Bag". So Olga picked out most of the things she wants to take for the baby and washed them, and they'll go into "The Bag" tonight, if we have time after Ante-Natal class. Just so we don't feel like we're taking too much, there will be a "Reserve Bag" on stand-by at home which I can come and get if we feel like we've run out of anything. One of the benefits of living just round the corner!
More equipment has arrived too - last night we worked out how to put the Baby Bjorn baby carrier on me (no point trying to fit it around Ola's bump at the moment!) and I had some fun seeing how far up the dial I could go on our TENS machine (electrical pulses through the skin to help with pain relief). It's all a bit theoretical at the moment, as neither of us are in pain, and we can't use it on Ola until labour actually starts, so I can't say how much it will help, but if nothing else it will give Ola something else to think about.
For the record I stopped it at level 4 out of 10... if you believe some people, it's likely to get stress-tested up to 10 when the time comes!