Friday, 9 September 2016

Thanks, Baba! Спасибо, бабa!

Baba Luda has sent a couple of parcels over from Russia, and in one was a lovely bow-tie for Danil, he couldn't wait to wear it this morning to go to PreSchool.  Olga reported that he did feel a little self-conscious once there, as none of the other boys were wearing one, so it came off, but he looked so sweet while he was wearing it! Here he is practising some of the French words he knows.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Dan starts French Pre-School

Dan had his first morning at French Immersion Pre-School today - three mornings a week, playing games and doing crafts. The French part just means that the teachers will speak in French, there is no pressure on the kids to learn to speak it, but it just gets them ready for when they start French Immersion classes in school - next September in Dan's case, when he starts kindergarten - so they've heard plenty of French and won't be completely spooked by the whole thing.
He also got a new backpack, which he was very excited about too...

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Cabo dodges a Hurricane

Our new favourite foreign holiday destination - Cabo San Lucas in Mexico's Baja peninsula - dodged much damage from Hurricane Newton yesterday, which we're pleased about. We had a great time there last February, and will be going back for a week next February - it's a very Calgarian thing to head off to the sun during the worst of the winter!
This was the view of the sea battering two large sea stacks at Cabo during a hurricane in 2013

For scale, here is the right-hand one of those stacks during our trip in February, they are huge, and the waves were breaking over the top of them, apparently.