Thursday, 16 December 2010

Nativity 2010

It was Lara's nursery nativity play this week, and Olga and I went to watch this afternoon. The costume for her room was Angels, and she really did enjoy dressing up, much more than you might think from this photo!

 If you've got a spare 2 minutes and 47 seconds, this video compilation shows that she did enjoy it!

(There's a smaller version for slower internet connections here)

 And finally, here's a "team" photo:
Lara's friend Chloe (with the dark hair and gold tinsel) must have spotted me taking the photo and pulled her best pose.

Couple more from the Lakes

Another photo and video from the Lake District that I have found on my phone... this was before we even got to the cottage on Day 1.

Here's the proper use for a pet dog in snowy weather:

Lara, 3 years + 6 days

It was Lara's 3rd birthday last Friday, but I'm only just getting round to mentioning it. We had a little family party at Grandma & Grandpa's house on the way home from the Lake District, then Anton & Becca brought Eve and Tess over on Sunday to play and go for a pub tea. Eve gave Lara a great little monkey that Lara has named "Nina" (quite imaginative, not sure where the inspiration came from), and they have been inseparable since.
Lara has understood what her birthday means (presents!) and she knows that she she answer "Three" if someone asks how old she is, rather than "Two".
Here are some pics..