Friday, 24 April 2009

SP Update

Here's a very quick update while I make sure Lara's well asleep in our room, and Olga and Luda catch up next door in Luda's room. The temperature has been rising all week, from being 1 degree C on Monday, to 7 on Wednesday, 9 yesterday and a barmy 12 today (I went out without a hat!). You can see from this photo though, taken on Tuesday, just how much ice is still floating around on the River Neva:

On Thursday we went to Peterhof, the Tsar's Summer Residence. It was quite breathaking, even when there were no leaves on the trees and only a fraction of the 170-something fountains were turned on..

OK, Lara seems to be well asleep now (finally - she's having a great time and finds it difficult to slow down and remember that she's actually knackered and needs to go to sleep, everything is such an adventure for her!) so I can go and get Olga and we can have our dinner, it's only 10.25pm...

Monday, 20 April 2009

Lara's Sleeping Tour of Europe Continues

Lara responded to jet lag today by having three naps rather than her usual one. Here's her napping late this afternoon outside the Hermitage in St Petersburg. We'll be there at least twice more this week, so she will see it while she's awake!
In case you've missed Lara's earlier visits to large cities, here's Lara in London in May last year:

And here she is in Moscow, later in May:

The Eagles have Landed

Here's a post I tried to send yesterday but was defeated by PDA gremlins. We've got WiFi working in the hotel room now, so I've no more excuses...

So far, so good. Lara was a bit of a whinger on the flight, but there were no lengthy tantrums, she just got very tired and couldn't get off to sleep. She sorted that out in the taxi to the hotel, she was asleep before we'd left the airport. As you can see, we're relaxing in the hotel bar now while Lara is still sleeping in her pram. I did feel I deserved a litre of Baltica 7, but it's taking me some time to drink it! Olga's mum arrives early tomorrow morning, so we'll explore our surroundings tonight, and see how Lara copes with the time difference.