Monday, 17 December 2007

Weekend catch up - Friday

As you might guess from the lack of posts, it was a busy weekend Chez Armstrong.
On Friday afternoon we ended up attending the Tigress Christmas Meal in the nice Italian restaurant next to the office. Lara was asleep in the car seat, and the staff gave us a table for two, next to the big Tigress table, where we could put her on the floor, next to the table, safely out of the way of passing waiters. She only began to stir as we were having our dessert, and Olga took her off to the office for a feed.
In the evening I popped back to Marlow for a Christmas & Baby-Head-Wetting drink with the guys. Arriva buses stole half an hour off my time with Lara because the bus I wanted to catch was early. It's more frustrating that buses are early than late, at least there's probably a good excuse for being late! Anyway, enough of the Victor Meldrews.
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