Lara has been off-form since Friday night, with sickness and diarrhoea, and fluctuating temperatures and loss of appetite. I stayed home with her on Monday and Tuesday, her temperature by Tuesday was perfectly OK, and she wasn't sick, but she would hardly eat anything and was very sleepy. After some googling I thought this might be a combination of teething (I can see red marks on her lower gum where it looks like new teeth will appear), a growth spurt (the excessive tiredness can be a symptom of this) and giving her new food (she had prawns for the first time on Friday). However, this morning we worked out what it probably was, and here is what we think is the culprit:

Yup, of course you can tell this is the
Norovirus. I should have thought of it sooner from Lara's symptoms, but after she woke us both up at 5am this morning, I recognised the symptoms in myself from the last time we all had this before Christmas.
So, I'm at home today "off sick" whilst Olga has been catching up on some sleep she lost after Lara woke this morning; It's a lovely day outside, the snow has almost gone after continuous rain on Monday, and Olga will take Lara for a walk this afternoon, that should make them both feel better.
A perculiar thing was that Mishka had the same troubles ovenight on Monday/Tuesday, and left poor Olga with some clearing up to do yesterday morning before work (it had been my turn to clear up after Lara on Monday afternoon, I wasn't skiving off!), so we must assume Olga will get the bug later in the week and we'll have had a full house of sufferers!
OK, dry toast and a pint of water for me now....