Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Boxing Day relaxation

Once I'd got up at 10.30 we needed to take Lucy home, then we went for a pub lunch in Reading, which Lara slept though, as usual. I was toying with finishing the summer house when we got home, but Boxing Day is for relaxing, so we sat down and played with Lara, and learnt how Olga's new mobile phone works, and I've been messing around with the photos we took yesterday and today, like this one, which looks better in black & white.
Tonight is planned out for TV watching - The Terminal at 7pm, The Full Monty at 9pm, and Match of the Day after that (for me at least! Seems Liverpool snatched a late win against Derby, so it must mean Lara is only a good omen for Liverpool when we don't watch the match live on TV!)
Time now though to heat up a couple of left-over turkey dinners!
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