Tuesday 11 December 2007

Ohhh What A beeaautiful Morrrrning...

After sending out the necessary emails and and unwinding a little, it was 1am before I went to bed, and once I woke up at 6.30 I couldn't get back to sleep, too excited about getting my jobs done before going back to the hospital at 10.30. I'd even had a dream about seeing my friends for a few drinks but having to leave early to get home for Lara!
So I got up to walk Mishka (who, by the way, deserves a medal for coping home alone yesterday, he didn't trash anything, or even leave me a little smelly or watery present when I got home, the little trooper. In fact, he deserves to have a recent photo put on here, so here you go, from 2 weeks ago):

Anyway, as if to signify that today really is a new dawn for me, and to celebrate that, it was a lovely, crisp, clear morning, one of those where you're glad you've got a dog to walk to give you a reason to be out in it. Then, just before we got back home, as if the lovely dawn wasn't enough, for the first time in this build-up to Christmas, I heard my favourite Christmas song, Fairytale of New York. I know, it's not an original choice, and it is pushed very close by Little Drummer Boy and Driving Home For Christmas, but it just made my morning even better. Then I come on here to share all this and of course the first thing I see are photos of Lara :-)

All this was only spoiled when I checked on the cricket score! Sri Lanka have put about a million on for their third wicket. Just to rub it in, as I typed that sentence Vandort hit the first six of the match. Typical!
Ah, a couple of minutes later Ryan Sidebottom has just dismissed Vandort for a measly 138. Cue a Sri Lankan collapse, I reckon.

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