Just a quick one, seeing as it's midnight on Saturday. We had a lovely time, the weather was poor to start with but improved a lot when it mattered. I've narrowed down the photo & video collection to a mere 100 items, which will be uploaded soon enough, I'm trying to edit the videos together into one rather than uploading a dozen to YouTube.
As a taster, here are 8 photos, two each from Tuesday to Friday. It was after dark when we arrived on Monday, and having driven most of the way in heavy rain (with a very welcome stop to see Catherine, Elizabeth and William - he's gorgeous, and soooooo light!!) I was too tired to dig out the cameras. Phew, I bet you're thinking...
A blog to keep family and friends up to date with what's new with Olga, Chris, Lara, Danny, Mishka and Jackson.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
Off on holiday!
We're off down to Devon today, to stay at the "eco-cottage" we stayed at last year. We'll be there until Friday, and are going to pop in on Catherine and new arrival William on the way down.
There's no internet in the cottage, although I'll try to sneak the odd blog post via my PDA.
Photos galore next week though!
There's no internet in the cottage, although I'll try to sneak the odd blog post via my PDA.
Photos galore next week though!
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