Thursday, 19 March 2009

Power Nap needed after exercising

Lara had a busy day shopping with her mum yesterday. When I got home Olga reported that Lara had achieved four steps without support, but those steps much have taken it out of her, as when we finally got round to serving dinner (slightly later than usual, around 7.30), the poor girl conked out in the high chair!!

I hadn't helped by playing with Lara after I got home, trying to coax her into walking for me, but it seems she had performed for mum, but dad would have to wait.
This is encouraging in a way though, as only yesterday I was wondering if we might be able to get her to sleep on an aeroplane if we ever made a flight longer than the three hours to St Petersburg. It was easier to get her to sleep on the way home from Ekaterinburg last summer (5 hour flight), all it needed was for Olga to feed her and the lights went out. I was concerned that Lara might not fancy sleeping in a strange place or position these days, but she went and proved me wrong!

Monday, 16 March 2009

Back from holiday - time to plan for the next one!

Lara didn't have any complaints today when we dropped her back at nursery - she was happier than Mum and Dad about going back to the normal routine! This is the closest we're getting to walking, one-handed-support on the sofa, sporting her baseball cap which actually fits her now. We had a nice lazt day yesterday, conditions were perfect for working in the garden, so instead we went to the pet shop and bought Mishka a new bed, then I took Lara round Asda while Olga gave Mishka a good grooming, then it was beers in the back garden for the first time this year - mowing the lawn and trimming the conifers can wait until next weekend.

Around that we need to prepare for the next holiday - looming on the horizon already! We'll be off to St Petersburg on April 19th for 8 days. Olga's mum has sorted out the hotel, by booking us all on a tour which includes accomodation and daily excursions. I need to brush up on my Russian, at least so I understand "From the left side of the coach you can see the Hermitage.." etc..
I'm wondering if Lara will suffer with jetlag (or more to the point, we will suffer from Lara's jetlag!). It will be interesting to see if she gets tired at the same time there as here, which means putting her to bed by 8pm local time. I think she will, as she doesn't know what time it is, she only knows how long it's been since her last sleep.
It's only a three hour flight, we'll be going during the day, so we'll just keep her awake as much as possible with maybe just one nap (hopefully during the flight!) then she'll be ready for bed at 8pm local time. Whatever happens, it'll be an adventure! She'll be travelling on her Russian passport, so I'll be the lone Johnny Foreigner.