After a couple of troubled nights earlier this week, when Lara just wouldn't settle when we put her down in crib at night after a feed, we might have worked out a solution. On Tuesday night we ended up bringing the cot up from downstairs at 4am, as we knew Lara sleeps OK in that during the day, and we tilted it slightly at the head end, the way she was tilted in the bassinet in hospital. Lara dropped off straight away until her next feeding time at 7am.
Bearing this in mind, I checked the crib, and found that it was ever-so-slightly tilted the wrong way, and when we tucked her blankets under her mattress to keep her snug, this just accentuated it, so her head was slightly lower than her hips. So I've put something under the head-end of the crib to raise it up so she tilts the right way now.
We also decided that we'd try to wake her up more during the day so that she might be more tired at night, and finally Olga also thought she'd swaddle Lara up using some blankets Luda brought over in September precisely for that job. She does look like a white caterpillar though!
Anyway, whether it was one of those things, or a combination of them, she slept almost perfectly last night, waking only for feeds and even then they were three hours apart and lasting for a reasonable length of time (including a personal best of 27 minutes) rather than waking every 30-60 minutes for 5 minutes of feeding like on Monday & Tuesday nights.
So, we learn something again - each day there's something else that experience teaches us.
Lara had a visit from the midwife this morning, and she has regained the weight she lost last week, she's now upto 2.82kg, only 0.02kg under her birth weight. We seem to be doing well enough that the midwife has officially dismissed us from midwifery care now. We have a health visitor coming tomorrow morning, but this afternoon's big adventure is our first trip to our NCT Post Natal meeting with the other people from our NCT group. I've not heard that any other babies have been born other than Lara, Alfie and the twins, but we'll catch up on gossip today.
Bet I'm the only Dad there.....
Oh, the football last night - the less said the better, but Lara's reputation as a lucky mascot for Liverpool is in danger. And as for the cricket, well, I'll not even mention it. OK, just a little. 81 all out! I confidently expect to be playing against some of those England players next summer in the Morrants Chiltern League Second XI Second Division!