This photo doesn't quite do the sunrise justice on Monday morning this week (I did take it with the camera on my phone). I don't mind getting up to walk Mishka when the weather's like this!
Sunday was a bit of a wasted day, I didn't get up till after 11am, and then I couldn't really make it off the sofa, thanks to the Rugby Final on Saturday night. That's all I'll say about the rugby, apart from I guess South Africa deserved it for the way they'd played throughout the tournament.
So that meant I still haven't put the glass into the windows and doors of the summerhouse, and now I can't do things outside in the evenings, as the nights are drawing in. Oh well, there's always this weekend....

I have bought my first pumpkin, I want to try the whole carving-the-lantern thing, I've got a couple of years to practise so I can impress Junior. I'll post photos up when I'm done (and I'll let you know how many pumpkins I get through before I have a lantern that's any good!)
It's been a fairly quiet week so far, last night's big job was to buy Mishka a new bed, as he's chewed up his old one. We picked what we thought was a big enough one in the shop, but once we got it home, it's only just big enough, and we spent the evening convincing him it's not a new chew toy.

The Sky Channel UKG2 has renamed itself to Dave (apparently because everyone knows a bloke called Dave) and it's started showing reruns of Whose Line Is It Anyway, which I'm addicted to. Channel 111 at 7pm for those who like good comedy.

Just makes me wonder how quickly the next two months will go?!