Thursday, 1 November 2007

Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

If the weather is OK, and the traffic back from York isn't too bad, we'll be having a little bonfire & firework party on Sunday. Lucy is going to do something mysterious with the pumpkin flesh(?) we have left over.
I need to chop up the old kitchen cabinets for firewood and make up the guy from my old clothes. Actually, to correct what I said in an earlier post, Mishka gets first pick at my surplus cothes for his blankets and things he can safely chew, then comes Oxfam....

White rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits

Did we all say it to ourselves this morning before uttering any other words?! I hope so.

We only had two Trick or Treat visits last night, one from a group of 6 little kids who cleared me out of the little bags of Haribo and Jelly Tots that I'd bought in (the last little boy was sweet - "Cool, I got Haribo") . The two teenage girls who came by later on had to make do with Sainsbury's Spooky Ginger Biscuits, when I guess they would have preferred a bottle of Smirnoff Ice each or something.

Only 10 and a half months after we moved in, I unpacked some bags last night for the first time; I knew I had some nice shirts tucked away somewhere, and I found them when I was clearing up my clothes collection. We're going to make a very expensive guy to go in the incinerator on Sunday evening from things I'm about to give to the charity shop (what doesn't go into the guy will be given to Oxfam or whereever, don't worry!)

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Turkey Holiday Photos

Turkey 2007
Here's a link to some of our holiday photos from Turkey.

Flash, bang, wallop

Poor Mishka was spooked by fireworks when Olga took him for his walk last night; someone fired one from their back garden just as Ola & Mishka happened to be walking by, and once Mishka got home we couldn't coax his tail out from between his legs - see the photo. He get's like that when something frightens him, but normally it only lasts for a minute or so then he's wagging it like it's going out of fashion. Last night though he stayed like this for 30 minutes, and kept glancing up at the ceiling, as if waiting for another firework to go off!! We're planning to launch a few fireworks ourselves on Sunday, so we'd better get him some earmuffs before then.

Pumpkin Carving

We had a go at carving our pumpkins last night, here are some on-the-go photos and the end results. Ola seemed to be a natural at it, and was definitely more artistic with her design.

Now we've just got the small job of thinking what to do with all the pumpkin flesh we have left over (see the baking tray in the third photo!). Ola reckons she has a recipte for Pumpkin-pancake-fritter type things. Watch this space....
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