Wednesday, 2 January 2008

It's "Baby Day"

When I checked my work phone and started Outlook this morning, I got my reminders displayed.... today is "Baby Day!!!". It's Lara's official due date today, so that another reason to have a little party tonight - any excuse to eat up the party food we had left over from Monday night.

It was lovely to see the Grandparents this weekend, Lara was on her best behaviour, and hopefully a pattern has be tested out for future trips down from Radcliffe to High Wycombe via Portishead. Hopefully Mum & Dad will come back down again before Mum forgets where our house is (again!). Lewis Hamilton would have been proud to have reversed such a long way up Deeds Grove without losing a wing mirror.

New Years Day was a quiet day, we had a late start, recovering from a late night, but then went for a nice walk with Lara, Mishka, Chris & Cara down by the Thames in Marlow. Olga has to remember to check whether intersted passers-by who inquire "Awww, she's gorgeous - how old?" aren't always asking about Mishka. Lara doesn't look "just over a year" yet!
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