Anyway, Lara... she was very good last night, considering she's had a cold again this week. She woke up only once, just before Ronaldo started his run up for his rubbish penalty - thank god for Sky's Live Pause! Even then she only woke for a few seconds and went back to sleep without any interference from us. Then she went on to sleep through until nearly 6am, which was a nice surprise.
Olga has taken her to the GP today for the usual fortnightly weigh-in - she's slowed her rate of weight gain, but she's still above average (just under the 75th percentile for those who care, whereas she's been on it or above it before) at 7.08kg or 15lbs 9.5oz. It will be very interesting to weight her as soon as we're back from Russia, especially if we start weaning her onto more solid foods while we're away.
It seems we have won a year's free membership for both of us to a local gym. A letter was put through the door yesterday, one of those usual "Your address has been selected... blah blah" but it looked more authentic than most, in that bits of it were hand-written rather than mass produced; anyway, Olga called the number and sure enough, a human being answered and we were told we had won a gym membership worth £750 at a gym that's about a mile away. We're going to have a look round it tonight to see if it's all kosher and above board, but if it's true it's better than a kick in the teeth, or even a slap from Drogba.
Regarding the holiday, Olga had a big shop at Asda last night to buy in all the stuff Lucy might need while she house-sits for us.
Today's big job was ordering the roubles we need to take with us. Travelex in Heathrow Terminal One assure me that they will have enough to cover our needs on Monday morning, apparently the boss guy there can't move for the stuff in his little bureau because of thousands of Brits coming back from Moscow for some reason or another.
I still need to make a fancy powerpoint presentation of where we're going exactly, and when, and how (it really is Planes, Trains and Automobiles) so I'm hoping that if I have a quiet day tomorrow either side of Friday Lunchtime Drinkies, I can put something together. Then it's just a case of putting my "I'm on holiday" message on and bringing my pumpbag home.