Saturday, 29 November 2014

Strapping the skis on

We're still here! I'll hope to fill the gap since the last post another time, but I just wanted to share our Saturday morning here. It's just after 8am, and I should be leaping into action, clearing the path outside of snow, and packing things to go out to Nakiska, and waking the kids. But why would I wake the kids up at a weekend?!? It's bad enough waking Dan every morning for nursery at 6.15, and then Lara an hour later. We'll let them wake up on their own today.
So I'm going to have a cappuccino in the peace and quiet and think about how many layers I'm going to put on. It's nice and warm inside at the moment, toasty in fact, but quite the opposite (almost exactly according to our weather station) outside, and that's without wind chill...