Wow, nearly two weeks - time is flying at the moment, I'm busy at work trying to clear my task list and write handover documents, and Olga is making the most of her time at home by setting up our home office. This has involved an awful lot of moving "stuff" from one room to another, and quite a lot of stuff will go onto eBay or freecycle.
Olga took Lara to her new nursery today for her first settling-in session; an hour of playing in the pre-school room whilst Olga stayed with her. She was absolutely fine, the other children made it easy for her to play with them, and we've got no great concerns about how she'll be when she starts there full time at the start of February. She has two more settling in sessions next week, that I'll take her to when I'm on gardening leave.
The boys have recovered fully from their operations, and whilst we're yet to test them out off the lead on a walk, they did skip past me out of the front door one evening when I was talking to our neighbour, but they came back when called (OK, after a few moments of investigating the neighbour's garden)