Thursday, 4 December 2008

Snow! But not our own :-(

There was plenty of snow about on Tuesday and yesterday, but oooopp Norf, not down here. It was all over the BBC news website how schools had closed in Bury, so I called Mum but she was out (making a snowman, perhaps!?), but she sent these photos later on...

Mum's very modern - taking these photos on her mobile phone then bluetoothing them to her laptop to email to me! I'm very impressed. All we need next would be some photos of snow in Lesnoy!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Lara Update

Olga took Lara to be weighed this morning - it was a "clothes on" weigh-in, and she was 8.82kg (19lbs 7oz) up from 8.48kg (18lbs 11oz) on 6th November; this keeps her above the 25th percentile. She is eating very well at the moment, finishing off everything we offer her, which is encouraging.
After being cold-free for a couple of weeks, she picked up a new one yesterday, so all my talk of how well she was eating will mean nothing for the next few days as her appetite normally suffers when she's ill, as does her (and ours) sleep!

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Dave's 40th

Just a very quick post for any of the ex-Liverpool graduates passing by.. Dr Dave Hinds still exists, and in fact has multiplied. Here he is about to tuck into an individual portion of birthday cake, flanked by wife Martine, son Olivier (5) and daughter Avril (2).

And Tall Paul Richards (described to Martine by Dave's mum as the "tall one with the huge feet), showing us exactly how many pupils at the school where he teaches in Liverpool haven't nicked a car this week.

I couldn't make a post without including at least one shot of Lara - she enjoyed the party a lot, and was delighted to be dressed as a Babooshka, or Grandma, after the meal.

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