Thursday, 10 April 2008

Lara in her bouncer

Yesterday we bought Lara a door-frame bouncer, she can keep her head up properly now, and really seemed to enjoy the partial freedom it gave her, and the different view of the world she'd not had before. She wasn't freaked out by Mishka either, and to his credit, he wasn't bothered either. Inquisitive, maybe, but he never looked like he was about to play with a new toy. Don't worry, we still don't ever leave them together in the same room alone!
I'll put the photos in the "Latest Photos" section, and here are a couple of videos I've uploaded to YouTube:

I added a bit of a soundtrack to this one for a bit of fun. I love Lara's reaction to Mishka coming for a closer look the second time.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Scousers in Moscow then..

Liverpool v Arsenal? Course it was a penalty (but then again Arsenal should have had thiers in the first leg!). Anyway, Chelsea in the semis? Liverpool fans might as well start applying for their visas to visit Moscow then! Our holiday plans have us in Moscow a week after the final, but if Liverpool win there might well still be Scousers there...

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Happy Birthday Catherine!

Catherine is 23 again ;-)
A little investigation on Wikipedia tells me that April 8th is also the birthday of:
Alec Stewart (1963) - former England cricketer and all-round hero.
Mark Blundell (1964) - former British Formula 1 driver and now commentator on ITV.
John McGinlay (1964) - Scottish footballer who played for Bury (hurrah) in the early 90s, and for Bolton (hurooo) in the middle 90s.
Julian Lennon (1963) - son of some Scouse singer.
Vivienne Westwood (1941) - Fashion designer.
Kofi Annan (1938) - former UN Secretary General

Oh, and it's also Buddha's Birthday in Japan.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Spring has Sprung?

This was the view from the bedroom window this morning at 8am:

It wasn't quite what we expected, and it meant we didn't go for the long walk along the river this morning that we'd planned. We did have to walk up to the pub where we ate last night to collect the car though, so I took some more photos:

The middle one is actually taken from the middle of the Handy Cross roundabout, though you wouldn't believe it to look at it!.

It's getting on for 1pm now and the sun has burst through and the snow is melting rapidly. It was fun while it lasted.