Today is day 9 for me, day 7 for Lara and maybe day 1 for Olga.
Yesterday Boots came to the rescue, I found the only product that you can use on babies under 3 months old to clear a blocked nose; it's called Nasosal, it's just a saline solution you drip into her nostrils, but whether it was a coincidence or not, Lara slept from 4am till 8am this morning, where as she almost always wakes up at 6am and 7am. Quite how many time she woke up in the night, I don't know, as my other find in Boots was a cough remedy similar to a potion Mum gave me last weekend when I first got the hint of my cold. You know how most cold remedies make a big deal out of being "non-drowsy"? Well, what good is that when your cough is worst at night and you want something to help you sleep?! This remedy contains chloroform (the chemical composition is shown above, I imagine you knew that already!), amongst other fun things! How cool is that?! Once my cold is better I can douse a handkerchief in it and subdue the guards if I need to break into or out of somewhere.
I have started to feel better today, just as Olga has reported a sore throat.
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