Friday 22 February 2008

Lara Health Update

Lara was weighed yesterday, she's up to 11lbs 3oz or 5.08kg, which is still "above the line" in her little red book for her age. She's not put quite as much on as we expected, but we assume that's down to her cold and her not feeding as well as normal, but still nothing to worry about.
She's still got her cold, but the saline drops I found and just time itself seem to be helping, it should all pass in the next 3 to 5 days I hope. She still refuses to go off to a deep sleep in the evenings, we feed her and bathe her and put her to bed but she dozes and wakes, and usually it's not till she has her late night feed around 11pm that she actually gets off to sleep properly.
I feel a tad guilty as I've become accustomed to Lara waking in the night now, so I rarely wake up when Olga has to get up to feed her! I'm normally oblivious until Lara wakes around 6-6.30am and Olga brings her into our bed. It does leave me to enjoy the weird sporting dreams I've been having this week. Last night I was playing golf and the night before I was queuing up to have a go at motor racing, but I woke up before I could get into the car!
Any dream experts out there? Post a comment...

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