Mishka enjoyed coming to Aberporth, as there was a 6-month old border collie male puppy playing there, and with no other dogs around, and the beach being rather enclosed, with not much chance of them disappearing onto roads, we decided to let them both play off the lead. It was great to see Mishka playing with another dog under fairly controlled circumstances for the first time, there was no aggression towards, or bullying of, the puppy, which was very pleasing to see. They played for 5 minutes or so before they both began to tire of chasing each other around the beach, and we had a fun old time trying to recapture them! The lure of a sausage worked on Mishka, and although he only played for a few minutes, it seems to have tired him out. Just think if we got another dog..!
So we had a lazyish day today, like yesterday, just pottering around the house in the morning, then going to Aberporth at lunchtime, then off to another little market town for a wander round the shops, and back to the house for 4pm. Being on holiday makes no difference to our timings though, after cooking tea, bathing Lara and putting her to bed, it's still 8pm before we can sit down and put the TV on. Lara is sleeping really well though, we've not had to get up at all for her while we've been here, and she's waking at 6.30-6.45am consistently, but from listening to the monitor, she seems happy to play with her tellytubby for 20 minutes while Mum and Dad have a lie-in till 7am! She's also eating well, we've pretty much done away with jars completely now, although we keep one in her changing bag in case we're caught out anytime. She's just eating the same things as us for lunch and dinner, with just her usual yoghurt and porridge for breakfast. She still has a cough and cold, but the cough isn't as bad now, but her nose is still running. She's as smiley as ever, and Dad seems to have taught her to wink, and now not only is she smiling and waving at strangers in cafes and pubs, but now she winks at them too; it's very sweet, and funny to watch the reaction of those on the receiving end!
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