It's also a crunch time in her feeding routine, as the ready supply of Mum-milk will be turned off. We weren't looking forward to mornings, as the routine up to now of bringing her to bed for an hour or so when she first wakes had been working really well. Recently teething and a cold has meant Lara had been having fitful nights, waking at least once in the middle of the night then waking for a feed around 5am, which would be too early for us to get up and give her breakfast (but had been perfect for bringing her to bed for an hour). No sooner had we quizzed Catherine on Sunday about what she had done with Lizzie, and expressed our concerns about Lara waking at 5am, than Lara went and slept through the night on Sunday night, only waking at 6am when Olga got up for a shower! I got up and gave her water and a yoghurt in place of Mum-milk, and Lara was absolutely fine with it. Last night she woke once at 2.45am, but recently we've decided to be slow with our response, as on occasions Lara has settled herself and gone back to sleep without us helping, and she did this again last night. She woke around 6.30, and Olga gave her water and yoghurt, and everything was fine. Can it be this easy!?!
The next big test will be to start Lara on full fat cow's milk. Cath reports that Lizzie wouldn't take it, as she wasn't used to feeding from bottles, which seems to be a fairly common story from fully-breastfed babies, and we've not fed Lara from a bottle for well over 6 months now; we'll try some milk in her usual cup and see how she goes, but we'll not hold our breath. If necessary we'll supplement her dairy intake elsewhere, such as an extra yoghurt or some more cheese each day.
We're expecting meal times to get messier now too, as Lara has discovered what fun it is to put bowls and dishes on her head (so far only empty ones!):

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