After that we went to Chris & Cara's place, they were having friends over for a barbie, so we changed and fed Lara and she dropped off in the car seat in the garden, well wrapped up. It turned into a bit of a late one, we took a taxi home (Marlow Express Cars, 01628 487722 - very reasonable prices!) just after midnight. This upset Lara's routine and she had a restless night, as did the rest of us. It's only once a year, though :-)
Here are a couple of photos I found while I was digging around on my phone, from this weekend. Lara hasn't quite grasped the rules of pool in the Wendover pub, from Sunday evening:
Here are a couple of photos I found while I was digging around on my phone, from this weekend. Lara hasn't quite grasped the rules of pool in the Wendover pub, from Sunday evening:
Here we are about to trawl round Asda first thing on Saturday morning, Lara's first trip in this kind of trolley, we've only had her in the big car-seat-carrying ones before. She seemed to enjoy being able to look round, and did try to grab a few things off shelves that weren't on Dad's list:
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