Tuesday, 13 May 2008

A Future Baywatch Babe?

(NOT Lara!)

Olga took Lara swimming today for the first time, at the pool in Marlow. One of our postnatal group mum's suggested it, and they went together this morning. There were seven mums with babies there, and they spend half an hour singing nursery rhymes with an instructor, in a circle in the pool, then the last ten minutes is "free play". During the half-hour part, the babies are "dunked" three times, Lara was ok, if almost teary after the first one, but when she heard the nursery rhymes and saw the other kids, and realised she was OK, she was back to normal.
It was a bit of a test for the Mothercare Swim Nappy we'd bought, but Lara did her bit by not number two-ing. Whether there was number ones, who knows!?
Lara was asleep by the time she'd had a quick feed straight afterwards, and our friend had said that her daughter sleeps for two hours afterwards, so Olga was thinking about some peace and quiet in the park; I came to meet them and we chilled out in the park, with Lara asleep in her car seat (with us in the park, not in the car!) until the wind blew her blanket over her head and woke her up. Anyway, Olga is going to take her again on Thursday morning, and this time we'll see if Lara will sleep for two hours (then Olga can mow the lawns, work on her veg patch, tidy out the summerhouse, clean the windows, hoover, walk the dog, do the washing up, iron my clothes and maybe have a powernap)..

You might not be hearing from me again once Olga reads this...

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