Thursday, 13 March 2008

The Eden Centre - Open At Last

The value of our house just went up 1 minute ago, when the Eden Centre opened in Wycombe. Olga will pop down there this afternoon and see if she can't get herself a glass of bubbly on offer from M&S or House of Fraser or one of the other big stores. Rumour has it the M&S is the biggest in Europe...
Other than the shops there are numerous restaurants, a bowling alley and a Cineworld cinema. Hopefully they'll have learnt from Vue cinemas and put decent seats in rather than the old fashioned cinema seats, which leave me with numb legs by the time the adverts are over. That said, I'm off to such a cinema tonight to watch the Rambo film before it disappears.
We'll check out the Cineworld soon enough and report back. If we like it we'll make use of their £12 a month "any time, any film" offer, seeing as an adult ticket for one film is £8.

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