Well, on Friday afternoon I had my first proper baby-sitting session while Olga went for a haircut; she had been observing a Russian superstition not to cut her hair while she was pregnant, so it had got pretty long and she decided it was time for something new and easier to manage. I'll put a pic up here in the next day or two, but it looks great.
I also got our new webcam up and running and had our first two-way Web Conference with mum & dad. It's the future! We just need to get Cath and Nick online at the same time and we'll be the archetypal 21st Century Family.
On Saturday morning Mother Nature invaded the next-garden-but-one from us - a Monkjack Deer! I tried taking a photo but he/she was very camera shy, and hid behind a bush, so you'll just have to take my word for it, but here's someone else's photo of one, so you get an idea of what was wandering around in someone's back garden!:

We went for a stroll round the shops - we picked out a few frames for some pictures and photos I wanted to hang at home; we had some lovely prints shipped home from Hawaii in 2006 and I've been wanting to hang them since we moved in.
On Sunday the weather was lovely so Mishka and I went for a walk in near West Wycombe Park and the Hellfire Caves, home of the Hellfire Club of 18th Century aristocrats. It was a lovely, crisp, clear, frosty Sunday morning, and there's a church on top of the hill over the caves, and we went for a stroll round there. Again, I've pilfered someone else's photo:
Olga didn't want to miss out either and she took Lara down to the main park in Wycombe town centre. In the afternoon I actually went back to the Summerhouse and made some progress towards finishing it; I put the doors back on and some of the glass in the window frames. I should have it finished on Saturday. Famous Last Words!
Monday's been my first proper day back at work, it was busy, but went quickly. Olga coped perfectly with looking after Lara and Mishka on her own. I'm writing this late at night and spoilt for choice for which of 1987's best films to watch - Robocop on Sky One or Predator on ITV1.
I'll give you a clue as to which one won - you have twenty seconds to comply......
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