Monday, 18 January 2010

42 Days Later...

After a mere 42 days, our bins were emptied today!

Look, see, in the distance - a bin lorry!

The snow has all gone now, although there are rumours that it will be back on Wednesday. It shouldn't be enough to worry us about Olga's flight on Thursday afternoon. The bigger worry about that is Olga finding the time to pack! She's busy this week training some Bangladeshi clients in our office, and tonight she's at her first art class of the new term, so this doesn't leave much time in the evenings to start filling the suitcase. I can see Thursday morning being a busy time, although Lara will be at nursery until it's time to go to the airport. At least, we hope she will be. After shaking off her last cold, she almost immediately seems to have another one, she has a bad cough, and even the nursery staff admitted she wasn't her normal self today. They kept checking her temperature, which remained OK, but they said she wanted lots of hugs today, rather than being her normal, independent self, and more worringly, asked for a sleep at lunchtime, which she's never done before.

We had a very nice change of scenery on Saturday night, going to Chris & Cara's house for dinner, with Lara. It was very grown up (and lovely food, Cara, thanks!), and Lara enjoyed herself, particularly playing Cara's piano. She even went to bed without much of a struggle, although her cough woke her (and us) up before 7am. Once I'd managed to get her back to sleep, I had to nip home to check on the boys and take them for a walk, before coming back to C&C's for breakfast. So yesterday was a very quiet day, while Olga did some work in the office, I took Lara to the park in Marlow, where we watched a boy's football match, complete with pushy parents and overbearing team managers. Much as I'd like to coach a football team one day, I'd like to think I wouldn't be the stereotypical tracksuit-clad Dad-manager, desperately trying to relive the good old days through my boys team.  I haven't necessarily retired from playing yet, anyway....

Updates to the blog might continue being more sporadic, as I don't get much chance at work now to write any posts - the credit crunch has forced the company to make redundant the guy who worked for me, so I'm doing the work of two people. Am I still a manager if I have no-one to manage?

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