Monday 19 May 2008

Lara's new Maclaren & life with Mishka

We've been very happy with the Quinny car seat / pram thingy so far, but we felt it would be too cumbersome to take with us on holiday, so Olga bought a Maclaren Quest buggy today from Mothercare. It's lightweight and folds down easily, and is suitable for babies from 3 months old, and it reclines so Lara will be able to sleep in it on Russian railway platforms while we wait for trains.
Lara is modelling it in the "New Photos" web album on the left, and it's here too in this video where she's teasing a newly-trimmed Mishka:

Oh, we'd also bought Lara her first high chair, she looks pretty small in it at the moment but by the time we're back from Russia she might well be starting on more solidy-type foods and we wanted to get her used to sitting in it. There are photos of her looking extra cute in it in the New Photos album too.

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