Thursday 6 January 2011

Olga's One Day To Go

Tomorrow is Olga's last day with Geotrace after more than 6 years. Hopefully there'll be no emergencies in the morning, her handover seems to have gone quite smoothly, and there should be a couple of shandies in the pub at lunchtime. She'll be having two weeks off before starting with Flare on the 24th January.
I've got a few more weeks to do, but hopefully I'll be at home on gardening leave from late January for a couple of weeks. Our toys have arrived already, nice big Dell laptops and HTC Desire phones, so we'll be customising them for the next few evenings. We're used to laptops, but the phones (I've got the HD, Olga's got the Z) are a great novelty, so I expect to be posting up to Facebook with annoying frequency over the next few days.

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