Olga and I watched Mamma Mia - I have to admit that I assumed it would be a chick-flick and whilst I was mildly curious to see it, I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who doesn't vomit at the first few bars of an ABBA song. You can even play the DVD in "sing-along" mode whereby it'll put the words on the screen as the songs are being sung...
Sunday was a quiet day for us, the nice frosty weather had given way to warmer, but wetter and windier. We popped a chicken in the oven and went for a walk round Flackwell Heath, the village were this nice Stag pub was that Lara took me to on Tuesday. The village itself is a disappointment, not nearly as pretty as the pub suggests it should be, but we had a drink in the Stag afterwards while Lara slept in the backpack carrier, drawing "oooohs" and "aaaahs" from the staff and customers.
We tried the new teatime food regime on Lara again, so she had chicken and vegetables for tea at 6.30 then a bowl of porridge at 7.30, once she had had her bath and was in her PJs. It took a little longer to get her off to sleep this time, but once she had fallen asleep, that was the last we heard from her until Olga had to wake her up at 6.30 this morning. Have we found the secret? It's too early to say but it looks good so far....
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