We bought a blood pressure monitor last week (only £15 from Maplin and very nice and portable) so we could keep an eye on Ola's (and my!) blood pressure on a daily basis. Ola's was a little high these past few days, and she's been a tad puffy in the hands and feet. Naturally this required urgent treatment - not because of any danger to the baby but because it meant Ola was reduced to only one pair of shoes she could fit into. We made an appointment yesterday morning to go and see the GP, who reassured Ola that her blood pressure was OK, but the swelling and the fact Ola had a headache yesterday morning meant it would be a good idea to go to Wycombe General's Day Assessment Unit in the maternity ward. So she's been there this afternoon (and saw two of our Ante-Natal group mothers there, one of whom is definitely post-natal now with twin boys. That makes 3 boys from the 2 births in our group so far) and been given a clean bill of health, which is very encouraging. Even better news was that Junior has engaged, and is lying in a very good position, the right way up (or down, I suppose) and even facing the optimum way (to the side). We're clearly having a very clever baby who's been absorbing all the info Mum's been reading!
Oh, while I was ironing, Ola was packing the bags, at the moment we have two to go to the hospital (one for Ola's stuff, one for the baby's stuff) with a few things still to pack or buy. The bags aren't by the front door, ready to go, but I'm sure they will be soon...
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